(802) 254-6559

Brattleboro, Vermont

The Gathering Place Stories

Steve and Linda

“I benefit as much from The Gathering Place as Steve does. Because seeing him happy means the world to me.
— Linda, Steve’s sister

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A Day in the L ife of “Arthur”

If you’ve ever wondered how you’d care for a loved one with dementia, you can rest easy knowing you can rely on the expertise and compassion at The Gathering Place.
-Meg Wright (with husband Arthur), Brattleboro, Vermont

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Howard and art friends

Howard Finds Himself Again

When he did have to talk to someone, he’d get nervous, start to say something, forget what he was going to say, and just stop. For someone like Howard who loves connecting with people, this was serious. I was so worried about him, but I couldn’t be there every day.”
-Kathy, Howard’s sister

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Brattleboro Center
30 Terrace St
Brattleboro, VT 05301

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